Friday, January 19, 2007

Car color change Photoshop tutorial

Final product:

Step 1: Find a photo of the car that you would like to change the color of and open it in Photoshop. We used a BMW Z4.

Step 2: Make a selection of the area that will be colored.

If your car is not a neutral color like the one in the image above, go to image > adjustments > desaturate, then press CTRL + L to bring up the levels and adjust it until the car looks similar to the one above.

Step 3: Create a new layer, name it "color" and fill it with the color of your choice. We used #00AEEF. Set this layer to multiply.

Now your car should look like this:

See how it lost its reflection? To fix that, duplicate the bottom layer (the original car photo) and move it up above the color layer. Set the layer's mode to screen, then press CTRL + L to open up levels. In the first input levels box, enter the number 175. You can play with that number a bit to get the reflections looking just the way that you want.

Your car should now look like this:


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