Friday, January 19, 2007



Step 1:

Choose a high resolution (dpi) car image and convert it to CMYK mode to make it easy for you to adjust the color.

Step 2:
Trace around the area that you wish to change the color using the Pen Tool (path). If you're not use to Pen Tool, use Lasso Tool. Open palette path (F7) and make selection/turn off path [Shortcut: ctrl+click on the path name (PC), command+click (Mac)]

Step 3:
Create a new layer. copy selection from layer "background" and paste.

There are many ways to change the car color such as using curve and color balance but here I use adjustment levels (Image>Adjustments>Levels). In levels, select channel>cyan and adjust the input and output levels by sliding the arrows on the slide bar. Same go with magenta, yellow and black till you get the color that you want.


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